Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day 64329145

Clearly I did not follow thru with my daily posts of bootcamp. To be honest, I missed more bootcamp than I actually went to. Before you all shake your head and gloat in the fact that I once again(like most things in my life) did not follow thru on something, you should know that my life in July was a wreck.

Many of you know, Cherry's dad has been having heart problems that started the second week of July, I won't go in to details, mostly because I do not understand it and I am no Doogie Howser, but needless to say today is August 5th and Cherry's dad is still in the hospital. So with that said, it is an understatement to say I am exhausted.

The real issue is that I failed, and there really is no one to blame but myself. I didn't follow through on yet another chapter in my life. I can not be consistent with anything in my life. For example, I really wish I could keep a journal, so that I could look back and relive this part of my life. But the only journal I can keep is a bill book, and it doesn't convey any emotion or feeling except getting me excited or disappointed in our living wages from month to month. I know this counts as a journal, but in reality, the way I write, I know it is going to be read versus a REAL journal, I would write the thoughts in my head knowing no one would read them. I just have no discipline. No consistency. I can not be consistent in my weight, or my exercises. I can not be consistent in school, one semester its perfect As, the next semester I am being put on Academic Probation. Living in Sacramento or living in Vacaville? Keeping my house clean, then throwing a party(inevitably causing it to be trashy again).

They say Yo-Yo dieting is really bad for you health, but what about a Yo-Yo lifestyle?

Ahhhhhhhh.... ok so that sad-weeping-depressing-pity me portion of this blog is done...

back to bootcamp success/failure:
So bootcamp is now over, and no i will not be renewing for another month(if I flake out this month, its $200 down the drain, as opposed to my $35 I wasted). Bootcamp was fun, and I felt it was really working, but I am 1 pound less then when I started, my body looks pretty much the same(I took before and after pictures) but my endurance and strength have definitely increased. I find myself moving and picking up heavy things with ease and when I run in the morning, I am running faster and longer. So in the end that feels good, but it just wasn't enough to make a visual difference. Maybe that's the hook to get you to buy more months... I'm not biting, neither is my paycheck.

This month's goal is to stick to my "to-do" sheet that I have taped to my fridge. I have a months worth of exercises and I check it off each day. Maybe this will keep me motivated and on track, also its very public so Cherry and anyone at my house is allowed to give me shit if something isn't checked off. Two days in to my check list, and my calves hurt like a mo-fo. Welcome back sore muscles, I didn't miss you, this time, please work on shaping my body, I don't need so much strength... love, non-fat fat girl.


  1. Well, I have to say, the fact that you missed more BC than you attended is probably a reason for not noticing much of a difference. The first month was minimal for me though. It wasn't until the end of month two that I noticed a significant change in the placement of my ass. And my legs look pretty phenomenal, if I do say so myself. :) When I first started all this crap over 2 years ago, it took a few months of consistent good eating habits and a solid workout regimen before I noticed a difference. And it happened all at once. I had to get all my pants taken in and everything. Keep it up, you will get there.

  2. on your keeping a journal.. I also wish I could keep a journal.. but blogging is something that I find just a bit more fun, even though, it's not as personal.. sometimes I think about making a SECRET blog.. that would be honest and truthful and VERY personal and published with a different name.. but then I'd have to keep track of my blog blog and my secret personal undercover blog. TOO MUCH.

    BUT I DO use the heck out of my Moleskine notebook/planner. I have two of them now, not counting the one I just bought and I decided that I'll keep every single Moleskin planner I have so later I can look at them and know exactly what I did on that day.. sometimes I doodle and write tiny notes to myself where it's ALMOST like a journal... anyway, thought that maybe you might think it's a fun/maybe ever cool idea! xo

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